Nottingham Deanery Vatican II Series


In preparation for the Jubilee year a series of talks on Vatican II will be held this Autumn.

In preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025 Pope Francis has asked the Church to look again at some of the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Nottingham Deanery is hosting a series of talks, open to all, and presented by specialists in each Constitution. Each evening will begin at 7pm with a talk, followed by questions, and light refreshments, before finishing at 8.30pm. All are very welcome to come and hear more about these documents which are central to our faith. Please note carefully the different locations for each event: 

Monday 2nd October

Sacrosanctum Concilium, the constitution on the liturgy: Fr Guy Nicholls cong orat. 

at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour parish hall, Bulwell, NG6 9ES

Wednesday 18th October

Dei Verbum, the constitution about Scripture: Fr Richard Ounsworth OP

at Sacred Heart Community Centre, Carlton, NG4 1FP

Monday 20th November 

Gaudium et Spes, the constitution about the Church in the world: Dr Mary McCaughey

at St John the Evangelist parish hall, Stapleford, NG9 7BT

Thursday 30th November

Lumen Gentium, the constitution about the Church 

at Our Lady and Saint Patrick in the Meadows' parish hall, NG2 1JQ

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For use in parishes and chaplaincies.